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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Lemon Water Side Effects The Dark Side of the Lemon

Lemon Water Side Effects The Dark Side of the Lemon Lemon water has taken off as the wellness community’s most popular life-hack beverage. Hailed for its antioxidants, skin benefits, and even as a weight loss aid, lemon water is touted as the latest cure-all. Are

Perfume good benefits that give more value

Perfume good benefits that give more value. In addition to the fragrance, who would have thought that the fragrance of perfume is more useful than many people think? Spraying perfume not only gives your body a nice scent, but it can also attract people around

PCOD or PCOS – Which is More Dangerous?

PCOD or PCOS – Which is More Dangerous? People often confuse PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), but these are two different conditions. Both cause hormone imbalances and affect the ovaries, but they have different symptoms and need different treatments. A lot

Functions of Muscle

Functions of Muscle Muscles serve vital functions in the body. Skeletal muscles enable voluntary movements like walking and lifting. Smooth muscles in organs control involuntary processes such as digestion and blood vessel constriction. Cardiac muscle powers the heart’s Functions of Muscle rhythmic contractions to pump

Boost Fertility With PCOS: Just Like a Pro

Boost Fertility With PCOS: Just Like a Pro Most women with PCOS will be able to conceive with fertility treatment, but cases vary so much, and different treatments show different success rates. Working through PCOS can be a long, complicated and anxious process. And HealthifyMe

The Role of Fat in Weight Loss

The Role of Fat in Weight Loss Body fat is the stored energy in the form of adipose tissue within the body. It serves as a reserve for energy, insulation, and protection of organs. Excessive body fat can lead to health problems, while maintaining a